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Lake Waramug Real Estate

If you want accurate answers to questions about Lake Waramaug real estate, experience is what you need. This body of water is located in Litchfield County. This real estate market includes the closest town of New Preston to the south, Warren to the north, and others. It also includes all of the rural and waterfront properties around the lake itself. In June 2023, Zillow showed 12 listings in Warren.

Prices ranged from as low as $49K for a 2.34-acre lot to $16M for a 7528 sq ft single-family home built in 1820 on nearly 232 acres overlooking the lake. Meanwhile, Zillow showed New Preston to have five listings starting below $370K for a 1.85-acre lot to nearly $3.6M for a 5024 sq ft single-family home built in 1850 on a 3.83-acre lot. It has custom decks offering pristine views of waterfalls fed by Lake Waramaug. In either price range, it comes with a picturesque view of the fall foliage that draws so much tourism here each year.

In any market, real estate values and information is stored locally on the MLS. It takes a license to access this information, which puts you in the lead when it comes to getting accurate information. When considering a purchase or sale, experience is much more valuable. This is because its interpretation translates to what steps should be taken to bring about your best deal possible. This includes strategies for negotiating the best offer on your home sale or standing out from the competition on a purchase. Call today to see what we can help you learn.

Examples of homes here: https://www.zillow.com/warren-ct/lake-waramaug_att/

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